Welcome to the Green Communities Guide

The Green Communities Guide is an essential tool to help communities plan and implement nature-based solutions and strategies to conserve water, protect water quality, preserve agricultural land, and protect critical open spaces and wildlife habitat.

The Forgotten Solution

Why Green Communities? Because nature is one of the most effective ways of combating climate change and nature-based climate solutions - actions that are in harmony with nature that incorporate nature conservation and support biodiversity protection - can provide cost-effective approaches to mitigate climate change.

A Complete Online Resource

Designed for use by municipal planners, developers, community groups and more, this living resource highlights innovative, nature-based approaches communities are taking to managing development with respect to its impacts on our natural systems. This Guide features innovative approaches to sustainable development including riparian management, xeriscaping, naturalization, storm water wetlands, brownfield reclamation, permaculture and much more, and includes recommended practices and project considerations as well as the business, nature and community-side of each nature-based solution.

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The Stewardship Directory

A valuable companion resource to the Green Communities Guide, this online directory helps connect community stewardship groups, organizations, businesses and governments to share their experiences and lessons learned in stewardship and natural resource management.

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Paradigm shift sees U.S. Army Corps of Engineers consider NBS on par with grey infrastructure

Despite a long history of implementing conventional engineering practices, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers began an Engineering with Nature (EWN) initiative in 2010, "saying it now aspired to work with…

European cities leaning on NBS to address climate threats and add social benefits, including happiness

The European project NBSINFRA is exploring the implementation of NBS to help protect critical infrastructure during catastrophic events that are becoming increasingly frequent due to climate change. While…

Calgary City Council to debate roadside naturalization plan

A motion by Ward 11 Councilor, Kourtney Penner, for roadside naturalization in the City of Calgary has passed its technical review. The motion calls for naturalization along roadways and paths as well…

Edmonton active transportation advocacy group calls for partial road closure and naturalization of ravine

 An Edmonton-based active transportation advocacy group, Paths for People, has proposed a portion of 76th Avenue be closed and the underlying culvert be removed when the roadway is scheduled for…

NBS crucial in disaster risk reduction

To mark the International Day of Disaster Risk Reduction (IDDRR), Ducks Unlimited Canada (DUC) highlighted the importance of implementing nature-based solutions to mitigate the risks associated with climate…

NBS is more cost-effective and often better at attenuating climate impacts than conventional engineering solutions

An article published in the October 2024 edition of Science of the Total Environment reviewed studies on NBS between 2000 and 2021. The authors concluded that nature-based solutions are more cost-effective…