Its Origins

Published by Land Stewardship Centre in 2009, the original Green Communities Guide was developed to be an essential tool to help growing communities plan and implement strategies to conserve water, protect water quality, preserve agricultural land, and protect critical open spaces and wildlife habitat.
Designed for use by municipal planners, developers, community groups and more, this valuable resource featured design and policy tools help restore ecological processes in Alberta's built environments.
The Evolution

Redeveloped in 2021, this new and improved online version of the Guide has become a living resource that now focuses on innovative, nature-based solutions communities can implement to manage development with respect to its impacts on our natural systems.
This new Guide features innovative approaches to sustainable development including riparian management, xeriscaping, naturalization, storm water wetlands, brownfield reclamation, permaculture and much more, and includes recommended practices and project considerations as well as the business, nature and community-side of each nature-based solution.
Engaging, Informing, Enabling
Land Stewardship Centre is passionate about helping people and organizations to become better stewards.