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NBS pilot projects across Jaipur intended to showcase the ability of NBS to increase climate resiliency
Nine different NBS initiatives implemented by WRI India through Cities4Forests in Jaipur aimed to include local and Indigenous knowledge and add green spaces to the Pink City to increase its resilience to climate change. This article looks at four of the projects:
- urban farm at Central Jail, to reduce the heat island effect and provide food security
- rooftop farm at Mamta Public School, which is located in a low-income area with minimal access to green space - this initiative reduces the heat island effect and provides food security and learning opportunities
- JECRC University urban forest, to mitigate extreme heat and provide learning opportunities
- restoration of seasonal waterbody and urban forest planting/restoration at Harish Chandra Mathur Rajasthan State Institute of Public Administration, to mitigate extreme heat and improve bioinfiltration and aquifer recharge